Hello and welcome back for another week of the Year of Projects!! I have had a busy week with both work and knitting! I finished Clue #1 and have a finished object to show off! And I am ready to cast on a new project (I can't wait...)
First up my finished object! I finished my Sockhead Slouch Hat!! It is huge and I love it! I describe it more in my podcast which I will link below. Here is a picture of me wearing it:
And I am casting on a pair of Christmas socks. These will be vanilla socks and I am using one of the holiday color ways that I dyed up a little while back. I will knit each cuff and then I plan to join them and work the remainder two at a time. Here is my progress (hehe - I just cast these on earlier this morning before I posted this blog and only have two rounds done!):
And I have been continuing with Vlogtober! I have posted a video every day throughout the month of October! I have only four more videos to go (actually three - today's video is uploading to YouTube as I type this). I have really enjoyed filming and posting something every day, but I will be happy for a more laid back schedule once November rolls around! Wait - how is it already nearly November?!
And I posted Episode 7 of my podcast last night! I am still loving doing the podcast and only wish I had started sooner. Here is a link to this week's video where I show you my finished Sockhead Slouch Hat!
Take care everyone and I'll see you again soon!!