I am a few weeks behind everyone else since I joined the party late so I will be numbering my posts differently.
This past week my plan was to block my blue lace scarf and get that all done. I finished knitting on this one back in May so it is about time I got it all finished!! So here are a few pictures of it all finished. I am really pleased with this scarf!! So pretty!! There are more pictures
here and
I also got all the patterns printed out for all the socks I have lined up for the rest of the year so that is all set to go! I am including progress pictures to show where I am at with each of my WIPs. I hope to slowly, but surely, get them all finished up over the next little while.
Zip |
Chicane |
Advent Scarf |
Crochet Scrap Afghan - I now have 50 squares complete. |
Vanilla socks |
I have been working on the crochet afghan most of the time this week. It is fun, easy, and quick! It is also nice and mindless so I can happily watch TV and stitch away! Most of the knitting projects I have going now require me to pay attention (all but the vanilla socks require thinking - lots of charts and details to watch for!!).
This upcoming week I plan to focus on Zip and the afghan squares. I also think I should spend some time on my vanilla socks - they are getting closer to completion! Check back next week to see how far I managed to get!