Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Sixth Year of Projects - Week 5

I am a bit late this week in updating my progress.  This past week was Vacation Bible School at our church and I was busy with that.  Once that was done hubby and I took a couple days off and relaxed!!  We got back home last night and I am just now getting things updated!

Since this past week was quite busy I did not get around to many projects.  I did however get a fair bit done on my Tour de Sock Stage 6 socks.  I was really hoping to get the pair done by the deadline but did not make it.  I did manage to complete one sock and have 2.5 repeats plus the cuff left to do on the second sock.  I expect that this will be a finish to report for my next update!!


  1. Very nice socks!!!! Loving so many socks on everyone's blogs.

    1. Thanks!! I am also loving seeing all the socks people seem to be making!

  2. I love the design on your socks. Looking forward to seeing this finished (and maybe modeled?) :)

    1. Thanks!! I will be posting a better picture once they are done :)

  3. VBS can drain a person, but what a joy teach the love of God to youngsters. Your socks are great and truly they will be finish in the wink of an eye.

  4. Congrats on doing Tour de Sock. I am in awe of the people that knit all the socks. I cheerlead only for my team and usually knit a couple of the patterns. Well done!

  5. Your socks look great, well done!

  6. Love the yarn colour for your socks, and the cable pattern is great. Hope you get time to finish it this week.

  7. Gorgeous socks and nearly finished.

  8. Gorgeous socks and nearly finished.

  9. Wow, nice work on those socks. I got bit by the sock bug and decided to try too. I knit 1.5 socks and I'm already looking up more patterns. I really like that design but I tend to like the short cuff ones.
