Sunday, August 26, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 9

Back on track with my weekly updates!  This week has been busy since we are back at university and I have had classes to teach.  I did find some time in the evenings to cast on a new project (and no I have not finished my ongoing projects...)  The newest round in Tour de Sock begin on Monday and I like the pattern so I decided to cast it on.  I am finished the first leg and am about half way down the second leg.  I hope to have these done by the deadline of September 1st!  We shall see.

Here is my progress on Flibbertigibbet:

I hope I have a finish to show you next week! 


  1. Ooooohhhhhhh........loving the new tour de sock. Lots of cables and lace.

  2. Very fancy socks! Looks to me like you’ll finish on time. Good luck!

  3. Okay... I confess, my first thought was "What's going on at the top of the ribbing?" - thinking there was some problem (I'm sure because of the extra yarn at the top of each sock). And then I enlarged the picture and see that you've made ruffles! Cute ruffles! What pretty socks - and complicated looking. Looking good, Karen! I am curious what the extra yarn is up at the top of each sock, though.

    1. There is a scalloped ruffle edge on them. You start out with casting on 154 stitches and in the first round you create the scallops which bring the stitch count back to "normal." The extra yarn at the top is precisely that - the extra yarn from my long tail cast on - I can never guess the correct amount to use and always end up with an extra tail which I tie up into a little butterfly knot to keep it out of the way until I tuck in the tail.

  4. Wow! What a fun cable pattern! Good luck getting them done this week and happy start-of-semester.

  5. What a pretty pattern on that sock! You are fast...I can't even accomplish that much without a pattern! LOL! They are so pretty....I hope school is going well for you.
