Thursday, November 29, 2018

NaBloPoMo 2018 Day 29

Second last day of NaBloPoMo!!  I'm going to make it!

Yesterday I managed to continue to keep up with my Advent Scarf and have finished up Day 5 now (and am ready to work on Day 6 over a cup of tea!)  Here is the newest progress picture:

And I spent a bit of time working on my Vanilla Christmas socks last night.  They are getting closer to completion, but still have a little way to go, especially since I have large feet...

I hit my NaKnitMo goal yesterday!!  I have knit 51,286 stitches so far this month!  And I have two days left to go so I will have a few more stitches to add to the total!

It seems that my posts are getting shorter and shorter as the month progresses!  I suppose there is less to chat about when I am here every day!


  1. Look at you go with that Advent scarf! I didn't know there was a National Knitting Month...where have I been? I also have big feet so I understand. Congrats on all your accomplishments this week and this entire month!

  2. Congrats on hitting your knitting stitch goal. The scarf is really pretty. I love your handdyed yarn you are using. The color is great and the stitch definition is perfect.
