Sunday, August 23, 2020

Tenth Year of Projects - Week 8

This week has given me another finished object and some progress on my other two projects!  

Finished Object:
1) Mini Sweaters - I have joined a group (Wayfaring Yarns Designs and Sweater Sisters Designs) for their annual mini sweater knit along. Each week on Monday they email out a pattern for a mini sweater (4 in total).  Three weeks have passed since they began, and I have finished my third mini sweater!  They are so stinking cute! Tomorrow will bring out the fourth and final pattern for this year!  I enjoy working on these!!  I am using scraps of my own hand dyed fingering weight yarn and 2.5mm needles.  This was year four of the challenge and I want to go back and knit the other sweaters!

 Mini Sweater #3

Ongoing works in progress:
1) Sock Scrap-ghan - I managed to add 6 more squares to my scrap wrap!  I now need to add 56 more squares to get this to completion. 

2) Tegna - this is a summer sweater by Caitlin Hunter.  I cast this on June 28th and am making decent progress on it.  I have added roughly another inch of stockinette this week and am ready to add in skein number 6.  It is still a long way from completion, but I am making progress!  It is about 15 inches from the cast on edge now (unblocked).  I''ll post an updated picture next week as it still looks much the same as it did last week.

I also spend some time showing my progress on my projects on my podcast.  I just posted a new video on Saturday in case you want to check it out!  I would be so happy if you subscribed to my little channel ♥

Please head over to the forum on Ravelry to see what others are up to with their YOPs!


  1. you are right, that minisweater IS cute!

  2. I just made a mini sweater this week and it is such a fun thing to so and my brain still saw it as a finished sweater and managed to forget the word miniature lol. Your latest one is very cute, amazing the detail on something so small.

    1. The detail is amazing! I am very much enjoying them!

  3. I look forward to your post each week, especially to see the mini sweater of the week. This weeks sweater is super cute.

  4. I am enjoying the mini sweaters knits too. Can't wait until tomorrow. They are so satisfying and I have my daughter's hand made doll that will be able to wear them too as a gift for my granddaughter. Win-Win!

  5. Glad you are enjoying your weekly mini-sweaters. I would never get even a mini sweater done in a week.

    1. I am slowing down now that the school year has begun and I am back to teaching my college "kids"

  6. You are right....those little sweaters ARE "stinkin cute"!

  7. Your mini sweaters are enchanting--do you find yourself learning a lot knitting them?

    1. I do actually find myself learning things while knitting them!

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