Monday, October 21, 2013

Year of Projects Update #6

YAY!  I am back in a timely fashion with my latest YoP update.  I managed to get some work done on the baby afghan I am designing.  I now have 5 repeats and 10 rows complete (each  repeat is 12 rows)



And I started two new sock designs:

8 pattern repeats done on the leg (4 row repeats)

1 repeat and 5 rows complete (10 row repeats)

The stole got very little attention this past week.  Hopefully I will find some time this week to get some more done on it. Each repeat is 52 rows and I have 32 rows complete.


After (yeah, I can't see a difference either...)
My goal for the week is to finish one of the sock designs and get it ready for testing.  Check back in a week to see how far I got!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Year of Projects Update #5

Apparently I am not very consistent in regular posting here...  Anyway, I have been keeping busy with designing for the past 6 or so weeks (seriously it has been that long?!).  My test knitting for my very first pair of socks is all complete (thanks to those who volunteered!! I appreciate it very much!) and the pattern is now up for sale.

I have created a Rav designer page (which I also need to update!) here

I have also finished several more designs and have had them tested and published.  Here are the ones that are all complete:

Petals Cowl

Tilting Petals Cowl

Tri-Colored Cable Socks

The following patterns are in testing right now and are almost ready for release:

Saltine Cowl

Hourglass Headband

Airy Cowl

I am looking for some more testers for this sock pattern:  Sign-ups are over here
Hourglass Pillars

And finally I have two more patterns that I am working on right now: