Sunday, September 30, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 14

And another week has flown by!  It seems that time is flying by so quickly!!  This has been a productive week for work and crafting!

I spent some time on my Sockhead Slouch Hat and made some decent progress!  I am enjoying this mindless knit!  Here is what it looks like now - pretty much the same but longer.  I am anxious to see the next color appear!  The blue marker shows where I was last week.

And I got a lot of work done on the sleeves of my Rowe Cardigan!  I have only about 30 rows to go on the increases and maybe an inch after that to get it to the proper length!  I am really hoping to have the sleeves done to show you next week!!  Here is what the sleeves look like now - I left off last week where the stitch markers are.

And I posted Episode 3 of my podcast last night!  I am having so much fun creating my podcasts!  I wish I had started doing it sooner.  I am also planning to attempt Vlogtober where I will post a short vlog every day during the month of October.  That will be a challenge, but one that I am excited to attempt.  It will be about my daily activities plus my knitting and other crafting.  Should be fun!!

Well, another week has come and gone.  Looking forward to seeing everyone here next week!!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 13

Welcome to another weekly update!! 

This week I managed to finish my Bicycle Race socks and they are gorgeous (if I must say so myself!).  I enjoyed this knit!

I also got some more work done on my Sockhead Slouch Hat and made some decent progress.  I finished off the brim and got some of the plain stockinette done.  I plan to work on this some more in the upcoming week when I need something mindless to knit.  Here is what it looks like now:

And I have some progress to show on my Rowe cardigan.  I am finally back to working on this.  I started figuring out what more needed doing on the back and discovered that I needed a whole four rows of shoulder shaping to finish it up...  If I had know that I likely would have finished the back ages ago!  Oh well.  The back is now complete and some of the stitches are sitting on a cable until it is time to finish. 

I also got going on the sleeves too.  I cast on the sleeves.  I decided to do them two at a time so that I can make sure my increasing and shaping matches and so that once I am done knitting them they are both complete - no issues with having to cast on the second sleeve and do it all over again!  Right now I have about 2.5 inches of the four needed for the cuffs.  Here is my progress:

And I uploaded Episode 2 of my podcast last night!!  Thanks for your support ♥  Here is the link to episode 2 (don't worry, this episode is only about a half hour - not as long as last week!):

See you next week!!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 12

Back for another update!!

I was hoping that I would have finished my Bicycle Race socks by today, but I didn't quite make it.  I did make some serious progress, but not enough.  Maybe for next week!  My progress from the last time I posted is from the blue markers!  Here is where they are now:

I spent some time working on my Sockhead Slouch Hat and have made some great progress.  I am getting into the next color from the gradient and am excited to see what it looks like after a bit more is done on it.  I am also almost ready to switch to the plain stockinette portion.  I have maybe a half inch to an inch left to do of the ribbing.  Here is what it is looking like:

And I started a podcast yesterday!!  I have been mulling over doing this for some time now and finally took the plunge!  Come on over and take a look when you have a moment!  Like and subscribe if you enjoyed it!  I am hoping to post a new video every week (or every two weeks if life is too busy) and am aiming for something between 30-60 minutes.  It is mostly about knitting! Here is a link:

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 11

Here we are with another week flown past!!  This week has been busy at work and I am beginning to suspect that this is my new "normal"...  Oh well, the money is helpful in keeping me in the lifestyle I have become accustomed to!

This past week I have been monogamous and in being so I have finished my Flibbertigibbet socks!!  I love them!! 

And I am ready to cast on something new.  I have only three WIPs!! and they are each not good for travel and knitting away from home, so I need something mindless (and I don't feel for a pair of vanilla socks at the moment!).  So I have a skein of yarn that I played around with and dyed into a long, gradual gradient that I will be using to make myself a Sockhead Slouch Hat.  I plan to start with the darker and finish it at the crown with the lighter shade.  I plan to make the slouch as long as necessary to use up most of the yarn! 

This upcoming week I plan to work on my Sockhead hat when I am away from home (and have time to knit while away...) and I also plan to get some more work done on my other pair of cabled socks from Tour-de-Sock.  I worked a few rounds on those yesterday, but not enough to be able to see a difference from the last time I posted pictures.  

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 10

Hello!!  Back for another week.  This week was also busy with work and I did not accomplish as much knitting as I had hoped.  Oh well - at least I did get in some knitting time so that is good. 

I worked on my Flibbertigibbet socks this past week and am done one set of gusset decreases and about half way through the gusset on the second sock.  Maybe they will be finished for next week?  The next round of Tour de Sock began yesterday morning and I think I am going to pass on them - they are an unusual construction and I know I will not have time to devote to them to finish in ten or so days.  They are interesting looking so maybe I will try them at a later date - we shall see!  

Check back next Sunday and see if I finished anything!!