Sunday, September 23, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 13

Welcome to another weekly update!! 

This week I managed to finish my Bicycle Race socks and they are gorgeous (if I must say so myself!).  I enjoyed this knit!

I also got some more work done on my Sockhead Slouch Hat and made some decent progress.  I finished off the brim and got some of the plain stockinette done.  I plan to work on this some more in the upcoming week when I need something mindless to knit.  Here is what it looks like now:

And I have some progress to show on my Rowe cardigan.  I am finally back to working on this.  I started figuring out what more needed doing on the back and discovered that I needed a whole four rows of shoulder shaping to finish it up...  If I had know that I likely would have finished the back ages ago!  Oh well.  The back is now complete and some of the stitches are sitting on a cable until it is time to finish. 

I also got going on the sleeves too.  I cast on the sleeves.  I decided to do them two at a time so that I can make sure my increasing and shaping matches and so that once I am done knitting them they are both complete - no issues with having to cast on the second sleeve and do it all over again!  Right now I have about 2.5 inches of the four needed for the cuffs.  Here is my progress:

And I uploaded Episode 2 of my podcast last night!!  Thanks for your support ♥  Here is the link to episode 2 (don't worry, this episode is only about a half hour - not as long as last week!):

See you next week!!


  1. I love how your Rowe is coming along. I watched the podcast this morning with breakfast! What a lovely wheel, I love the antique fleece!

    1. Thanks ♥ The antique fleece is likely over 60 years old!

  2. Wow, that cabled sweater is very impressive! I love how cables look, but I am not too keen on knitting them myself.

  3. That sweater is going to be gorgeous! I'll watch the next episode when I get a minute

  4. Two at a time sleeves are the best! Love your cables. Now I am off to listen to your new episode. You had me with the picture of that spinning wheel!

  5. Your socks are indeed beautiful. Love the beadwork on them. So glad you are working on your Rowe again. I almost bought the pattern the other day is too tapered and short for my body type. Smart move to do the sleeves TAAT. They will match for sure then.

    I am looking forward to watching your podcast about the spinning wheel.

    1. I am really happy to be working on it again too! Hope to be able to wear it once it starts getting colder around here!

  6. Your Bicycle Race socks are something else. I liked seeing them up close and personal on your podcast. Same with the Rowe sweater. Wow, that cabling is beautiful. I love seeing your great grandmother's spinning wheel. What a treasure.

  7. Your Rowe is gorgeous. Looks like a very traditional Aran sweater!

    I love the socks. Might have to queue that pattern!

  8. I love everything about your Rowe -- those cables, swoon! And you are right to be proud of your Bicycle Socks. I just did click to enlarge and was reminded they have beading. How cool is that?!
