Thursday, November 28, 2013

Advent Calendar Knitting

I managed to get myself signed up in time to take part in an Advent Calendar knitting adventure!  This will be a stranded scarf and I am so excited to get going.  This is an off-shoot from the Sock Madness knitting group and the pattern is Stranded Advent Scarf 2013.

We will get daily pieces of the pattern each morning beginning December 1st.  We also have one early clue - the cast on with the divider section.  One of the goals of this project is for each of us participating to spend a little time each day to relax and do something just for ourselves during this often hectic time of the year.  My plan is to spend some time each morning (preferably) with a nice cup of tea and my knitting.  I imagine it will allow me about 30 minutes each day to relax and enjoy my yarn.

I have decided to use Knit Picks Palette yarn in the following colors - Ash (the main color), Cotton Candy (the contrast color that will run through the entire scarf), and Pool (my divider color). Here is what they look like together:

And my cast on and beginning divider section is complete!  Now to (im)patiently wait until December 1st...

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