Sunday, October 14, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 16

Welcome to another weekly update!!  I hope you all have had an amazing week!  I have kept busy with knitting and work.  Here is what I did this past week:

One of these weeks I will finish the sleeves on my Rowe Cardigan!  This past week I did make a fair bit of progress, but still have a little ways to go.  I have finished the sleeve increasing and now am working on the shoulder cap decreases.  I think I have about 25 or 30 rows left to go and the sleeves are complete.  Maybe by next week??  My progress from last week is shown from the little green marker on the sleeve here:

And I made a little progress on my Sockhead Slouch Hat!  I have rolled the cake into a ball since it was getting pretty disheveled from being my travel project.  I have added maybe two more inches to the hat and hope to have this one done one of the days soon!  Here is my progress:

Spoiler Alert!!  I you are slower than me on the Texture Time Mystery Shaw do not continue to read because I will be posting a progress picture a bit lower down here. 

And I finally cast on my Texture Time Mystery Shawl!  I got a start once and messed up so I frogged it.  Now I am still working on Clue #1 and Clue #2 was released a few days ago.  I suspect I won't catch up...  Oh well, I plan to continue and hope to finish Clue #1 before Clue #3 comes out!  Maybe I will even have some progress on Clue #2 before I show you next week.  I am thinking I may regret this cast on while I look at all the ends!!  We have been told we will deal with them later so I guess I have to be patient!  Here is where I am now (I am about 1/3 to 1/2 way done Clue #1):

And I have Episode 5 posted on my podcast!!

And I have been keeping up with Vlogtober and now have 13 posts!!  Check out my playlist!

Please Like & Subscribe (if you have not done so yet!)


  1. That Texture Time looks promising - I can imagine myself joining in, but I will wait until it is no mystery any longer.

  2. Great progress on the sleeves, which I'm sure will be finished this week and the slouchhead hat. I would definitely need to have patience to wait with those ends on your Texture Time Mystery Shawl, I'd be itching to finish them as I go lol!

  3. Your textured time mystery shawl seems very complicated, do those ends have to be tied in or are they a fringe...or haven't you had that clue yet?

  4. Testing a comment with a URL instead of my google account, as they still aren't appearing.

  5. hahaha! Stupid system now shows both! Doh!

  6. The colors you're using in your Texture Time look great together. I'm confused by the picture, but I have confidence the mystery will be solved by the time you've completed it. :)

  7. That mystery knit is intriguing. Well done.

  8. You have made great progress on your sleeves. Also on the hat. Your Mystery shawl is very cool looking. I am going to enjoy watching that grow.

  9. You have made great progress this week and I am loving seeing all the texture times come out!

  10. You're making progress...that is a positive! The texture shawl is amazing...what a great design. Of course, I love the Rowe and your gradient hat.
