Sunday, October 28, 2018

Eighth Year of Projects - Week 18

Hello and welcome back for another week of the Year of Projects!!  I have had a busy week with both work and knitting!  I finished Clue #1 and have a finished object to show off!  And I am ready to cast on a new project (I can't wait...)

First up my finished object!  I finished my Sockhead Slouch Hat!!  It is huge and I love it!  I describe it more in my podcast which I will link below.  Here is a picture of me wearing it:

And I finished Clue #1 on the Texture Time Shawl!  All of the clues have been released now and I am slowly plugging along!  I also got a bit of a start on Clue #2.  Here is where I am at now and the little pink marker shows where I left off last week:

And I am casting on a pair of Christmas socks.  These will be vanilla socks and I am using one of the holiday color ways that I dyed up a little while back.  I will knit each cuff and then I plan to join them and work the remainder two at a time.  Here is my progress (hehe - I just cast these on earlier this morning before I posted this blog and only have two rounds done!):

And I have been continuing with Vlogtober!  I have posted a video every day throughout the month of October!  I have only four more videos to go (actually three - today's video is uploading to YouTube as I type this).  I have really enjoyed filming and posting something every day, but I will be happy for a more laid back schedule once November rolls around!  Wait - how is it already nearly November?!

And I posted Episode 7 of my podcast last night!  I am still loving doing the podcast and only wish I had started sooner.  Here is a link to this week's video where I show you my finished Sockhead Slouch Hat!

Take care everyone and I'll see you again soon!!


  1. I can't believe it is nearly November as well, the time is simply flying by. Love the sockhead hat - the colour changes work beautifully with it.

    1. Thanks! These past few months have just flown by!

  2. Your hat is gorgeous Karen, I love how big it is. Well done on managing Vlogtober, and on the progress on you Texture Time Shawl!

  3. Cute hat. I love the big ones too. We seldom have a chance to wear them here but I have a couple just in case.

    Congrats on vlobtober.....are you going to do NaBloPoMo this year too? I haven't decided if I will do it again this year or not.

    The new socks colorway is great. Even though you only have 2 rows done, I can see the colors popping out.

    Nice work on the mystery shawl. Is it going to be asymmetrical?

    1. Thanks! I am planning to do NaBloPoMo this year again! The shawl is an odd shape! The first clue makes the center of the back and the subsequent clues go off to either side. So I will do clue 2 once on each side of the center, and the same for clues 3 and 4.

  4. Your Sockhead Slouchy looks great, Karen! And your completion (or near completion as of today) of vlogtober is inspiring. Hopefully, my internet connection this week will allow me to actually catch up with your podcasts. I'm glad you're enjoying doing it!

  5. Those christmas socks are making my mouth water. They remind me of a minty christmas bark that my sister makes. yummy!

    1. They do look like Christmas bark :) My Mom makes that every year too! Yummy!

  6. Wow, you have been so productive and creative! I love the hat, and a very nice photo, too! Can't wait to see how those christmas socks will turn out. I think I will make a texture time as well, now that I see how the FO looks and I think it will be perfectly wearable for me.

  7. My favorite month is almost hoo! Okay, so I have finally written down your podcast name. I watch from my t.v. at night and I would crawl into bed and forget the name! So, tonight's the night! I wrote it down in my bullet journal which goes with me at night and I ready to start watching! Hopefully I will catch up by next sorry!
    Your hat is lovely and looks really nice on you. I should make one for my daughter. Really like the mystery interesting...I've never seen anything like it. Good for you with 2 at a time socks...that's something I need to try. Have a great week and I can't believe how much you cram into one week! You go girl!

  8. Amazing that you could keep up with Vlogtober - well done!

    The hat looks great - super fun and well fitting!

    Hurray for Christmas socks!
