Friday, April 1, 2016

A is for Artistic

I have hopped on the A to Z Challenge bandwagon again and I hope to get farther than I did in the past.  For me this will be a wonderful exercise in daily blogging (and challenging my imagination!!)

A is for Artistic.  I enjoy having an artistic side to mix along with my analytical side.  I have found over the years that I drift from one artistic theme into another and into another...  I am not really a very monogamous art person!  I plan to write about several of my artistic ventures over the following month and will share with you several types of artistic activities I enjoy or have enjoyed in the past.  Currently I enjoy spending my spare time doing knitting, crochet, dyeing, and painting (both acrylic and watercolors).  You will get to see some examples of each of these along the way!  What I really need is a dedicated art/craft space so that I can really keep involved.  Right now I have things spread all over the house!!  In the kitchen, dining room, living room, spare room/office, attic...  I think the only places clear of my artistic stuff are the bathroom and bedroom!

So what is it that makes me artistic??  I really don't know.  I think it is mostly a way for me to express ideas and passions that are lurking.  Some of what I create is not very good (in my opinion) and some of it is wonderful (again in my opinion!).  Whatever the case may be, it is something that I dearly love doing with my spare time and something that gives me pleasure.  And that is enough for me :)


  1. Glad to find a fellow crocheter/multi-talented needle artist :) Look forward to reading your blog this challenge. Best wishes!

  2. This is fantastic Karen! My topic today was Artwork/Art and I firmly believe that everything we do in life is influence by the artistry around us. We all have an artistic side, and I think it's incredible that you're breaking yours out to play!

    I'm looking forward to reading what comes next :-)

    1. Thanks! I used to think I was not artistic and then decided who cares - it makes me happy so I am doing it!!

  3. You know I believe almost everyone has an artistic side, but most keep it hidden because it is perhaps a talent that is out of the norm of what others consider art. So stick with your artistic side. It helps you be the real you.
    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks! I kept my artistic side hidden for too long. It is out now though :)

  4. Hi Karen! You're the blog listed after me on the A to Z Challenge and I can't tell you how excited I am that you're a knitter and artistic person! I'm looking forward to following along this month and (perhaps) coming out of my artistic shell a bit more in the process. Cheers!
