Monday, June 20, 2011

G is for "Graduation Day with a Graduate Degree"

Well, it was not today, but I wanted to post about my graduation day and graduate degrees.   November 4th 2006 was a very proud day for me (and for my family).  This was the day that my Doctorate degree in Economics was conferred upon me :)  After six long years of study, my comprehensive exams sucessfully under my belt and my thesis successfully defended I earned my PhD in Economics.  Here are a few pictures of that day:
Here is a half decent picture of the hood - quite fancy!!
To see more alphabet posts check it out here or here!


  1. Although it may have taken place nearly five years ago, you still deserves a huge Congratulations!

  2. You should definitely be very proud of your achievement & the outfit was amazing

  3. You have a lot to be proud of!! Good for you!!!

  4. Thanks :) Since I work as a professor and attend graduation ceremonies as a faculty member now I have bought my own regalia and get to wear it every year :)

  5. heck, I'm happy to say I'll be getting my MPH in December LOL PhD is next. I bet you were beaming all day!

  6. I loved wearing the robes for my BSc, but the PhD ones were so much cooler ;)

  7. Congratulations!! My post is very similar!

  8. What an achievement. When I tried economics at a very basic level I found it really difficult. I'm fascinated by the way knitting brings together people from all walks of life and how different we all are.

  9. You have every bit to be proud of! I hope lots of people refer to you as doctor, it was well earned! :D (Economics did not treat me well in high school, though I ended up in an AP class without the prerequisite Mathematics course. . . To this day I've no idea how I got a C.)

    And if I may say, very spiffy robe!! :)

  10. Congratulations, even if it is a few years late. You deserve it!
